Instrument, Automate, Capitalize... Repeat!

From startups to established companies, scalability and repeatability through instrumentation and automation empower both new and old enterprises to distill business processes and hone product offerings.
Instrumentation, the process of equipping the business with an actionable and repeatable toolset that enables listening and action, is similar to the altimeter and flight stick combo on an airplane. Instruments are used to make real-time decisions, conduct business efficiently and responsibly, and ensure a customer centric product and outcome through listening and engagement.
Ultimately, as on an airplane, instruments should not be considered individually. Integration should lead to instrument clusters that provide exponentially more value as a collective.
Technology has a way of seeking out inefficiency and ambiguity, and the process of instrumenting forces intelligent discussion around business process and clarity of product value. Ultimately, instrumentation, through modularity, also unlocks greater global scalability through repeatability.
Top innovators like Uber, through instrumenting both the driver (provider) and passenger (customer) have crafted an impressive instrument cluster, allowing scalability at a staggering rate and scale.
Ultimately, instrumentation paves the way for efficiency via automation. Divergent ecosystems are naturally resistant to automation due to the human complexity and exceptions based norm. The move to standardization and repeatability, lends well to automation whereby less value-add tasks can be handed-off to a system. Automation not only decreases cost but enables more time to focus on the value-add tasks that matter the most.
Once instrumented and automated, the engine can be fully exercised and the ability to exponentially capitalize begins. With the toolset in play and process automated, the science of engaging, listening, and responding to the customer in real time can truly begin to evolve.
From a cash standpoint, instrumentation involves capital investment while automation equates to cost savings through efficiency. It's not until the enterprise is properly equipped and acting as a collective that the exponential returns of the capitalize phase pays off big.

While the process is perpetual, the structure of instrumenting, automating, and capitalizing remains key, where modularity and global scalability are king. Like a caterpillar climbing a tree in waves, each stage begins and ends with an inflection point where new capabilities and value are unlocked along the way which propels the process forward indefinitely.
How important is modularity and repeatability to the global scalability and profitability of your global enterprise?